Watson Family News

Friday, January 05, 2007

Thanksgiving 2006

I was very flattered that my neice, Abby and her fiance, Evan and my nephew, Jon wanted to visit us days before Thanksgiving this year. We all had a wonderful time together. The nicest part of it all is that they are so grown up now and we can share common interests.

We took them to Shakespeares Pizza and Sparky's Icecream, did lots of Christmas shopping downtown and played a fun game that they brought along called "Apples to Apples". We enjoyed the game so much that I bought it for Tom for Christmas and we took it to both St. Louis and Chicago and played it with family there.

Oh, and one other thing...Thanks Evan for being employed with Best Buy! You saved us a bundle on all the video games that Nikie wanted for Christmas with your discount!

Doesn't Jon look like a real farm boy here? I thought he'd find this image funny. He actually lives in a house with 6 guys in Iowa City (he is in college). It's a pretend fraternity of sorts, like Animal House. The next image is Evan helping Jon sell a Play Station 3 on ebay. Extremely rare at the time...The guys were fortunate to find one that day at Best Buy, just one! So they grabbed it, put it on ebay and hoped to make a few hundred dollars. I never heard though how much they did get for it.


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